The Ponticelli Group supports the Global Compact

Through the Ponticelli Group, Alpha has joined the United Nations Global Compact, thus confirming its desire to follow international standards and involve all its stakeholders in this undertaking as much as possible. By making this commitment, the Group integrates and supports the United Nation’s goals and promotes the Global Compact’s values within its sphere of influence.

Alpha’s approach

As a subsidiary, we completely identify ourselves with the social commitments undertaken by the Ponticelli Frères Group and reinforced by joining the United Nations Global Compact in 2017.

We fully support the United Nation’s goals and promote their values and targets at our own level.

We are particularly committed to following the 10 basic principles.

  1. Promote and respect the protection of the international law relating to human rights.
  2. Avoid complicity in human rights violations.
  3. Respect the freedom of association and acknowledge the right to collective bargaining.
  4. Contribute to the elimination of all types of forced or compulsory labour.
  5. Contribute to the effective abolition of child labour.
  6. Contribute to the elimination of any discrimination in respect of employment or occupation.
  7. Support a precautionary approach when dealing with problems affecting the environment.
  8. Take initiatives to promote a greater responsibility with respect to the environment.
  9. Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
  10. Work against all forms of corruption.


Diversity and well-being at work.


Because we believe that our differences and singularities enrich us, we pride ourselves on giving everyone a chance, without discrimination of any kind.

Disability Policy

At Alpha, all our positions are accessible to disabled individuals with equivalent skills and experience. Furthermore, on our own level, we contribute to an integration for all by giving preference, when possible, to companies which promote the recruitment and inclusion of disabled individuals.

Gender Equality

The “Avenir Professionnel” Law promulgated on September 5, 2018 gives Alpha the opportunity to strengthen its commitments to its employees through actions whose results will impact the index on professional gender equality.

For the year 2021, this index reaches a score of 84 points, broken down by indicators as follows:

Pay gap indicator: 34/40

Individual increase rate gap indicator: 35/35

Maternity leave return indicator: 15/15

High pay indicator: 0/10


We believe that a modern company must be a cocoon which allows everyone to flourish and progress serenely.

Therefore, from day to day, we strive to ensure the wellbeing of our employees by undertaking measures to guarantee a good quality of work life for everyone.

  • An active social and economic committee representing all our employees, allowing to establish high quality dialogue and offer everyone quality committee advantages.
  • Efficient internal communication.
  • Skill development plans, monitoring and increasing investment in professional training.
  • Organisation of regular team-building activities.
  • Competent, accessible and responsive support services.


An eco-friendly approach

In order to compensate the impact our activities have on the environment, we encourage everyone to behave in an eco-friendly manner in their daily lives through regular actions to raise awareness, an annual Environment Day, and by insisting more specifically on the following topics :


Sorting paper waste

Restricting digital pollution

Restricting travel

© ALPHA - Subsidiary of Ponticelli Group